Recent Acquisitions

Egyptian Limestone Relief: Cartouche of Pharaoh Intef II
Roman Marble Head of a Philosopher
Bronze Age European Iron Sword
Islamic Blue Glazed Bull Rhyton
Egyptian Limestone Relief
Attic Lekythos
Greek Wine Amphora
Egyptian Wood Mummy Mask
Attic White Ground Alabastron
Boeotian Black Glazed Kantharos
Apulian Xenon Sessile Kantharos
Egyptian Limestone Relief
Roman Bronze Sheep
Apulian Black-Glazed Trefoil Oinochoe
Campanian Black Glazed Ribbed Kantharos
Cypriot Bichrome Ware Oinochoe
Apulian Epichysis
Apulian Gnathia Lekanis
Etruscan Bucchero Kantharos
Sicilian Gnathia Lidded Pyxis
Islamic Turquoise Glazed Bowl
Phoenician Scarab: Sphinx
Apulian Black Glazed Epichysis
Attic Black Glazed Kantharos