Maya Polychrome Vase with Two Priests

A Pre-Columbian Mayan circular high-walled dish with polychrome glyphs and illustrations in the Motul de San Jose style. Two seated figures face each other, one with a gesture of resignation and the other with a staff and deer headdress, suggesting he is the capturing lord. A second scene features three figures with the surrendering captive presenting himself to the capturing lord and a member of his entourage. Glyphs provide the names of each attendant.

Late Classic Period. Ca. 700 - 800 AD.
Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm).

The Maya were the dominant culture in Meso-America between the 3rd century BC and the end of the first millennium AD. Their architecture and art are of the finest found in Pre-Columbian America. Their highly developed pottery industry produced a wide variety of vase forms that varied widely in their decorative motifs and functions.

Reported on by Mayan Scholar Nicholas Hellmuth.
Formerly with Gallery Hana, Tokyo, prior to 1970.
Inv#: 7671
Guaranteed Authentic


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