Greek Terracotta Harpokrates

An ancient Greek terracotta statuette of Eros-Harpokrates depicted nude holding a cornucopia; his right hand to his mouth, a duck at his feet, and a flute player seated to his right.

The Roman god Cupid (Greek: Eros) was the youthful personification of Love, and was usually depicted alongside Venus (Aphrodite). Harpokrates, the infant son of Isis and Horus was a symbol of youth and fertility. He was essentially a patron deity of childhood, especially popular in the Late Period.

Formerly in the collection of Lt. Commander Henry H. Corringe (1841-1845), acquired in Egypt in 1879-80, brought to New York in July 1880, stored in the Worcester Art Museum, MA, 1915-2015.
Inv#: 6345
Guaranteed Authentic


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