Egyptian Faience Djed Pillar

An ancient Egyptian turquoise faience Djed pillar, representing the Hieroglyphic sign of Djed, meaning stability or endurance.

Ptolemaic Period.
Ca. 332 BC - 30 BC.
Height: 1 3/5 in. (4 cm.)

The Egyptian amulet, as with nearly all objects that accompanied the dead into the afterlife, was of magical significance. The Djed pillar was believed to be an especially potent amulet, insuring the ability to begin anew in the Afterlife. The Djed pillar was initially associated with the funerary god Sokaris, revered at Memphis. Later the symbol and the ceremony of ritually raising the Djed pillar became associated with Ptah, and finally with the underworld god, Osiris. The Book of the Dead, chapter 155, mentions the words that were to be spoken when the Djed amulet was placed (strung on a fiber of sycamore) upon the throat of the deceased. The text goes on to invoke Osiris’ resurrection, and compare the Djed pillar with the spine of Osiris. The Djed pillar was one of the most common funerary amulets, often dozens were found strung around the mummy.

Formerly in a New York private collection,
Inv#: 9205
Guaranteed Authentic


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