Attic Greek Black-Figure Amphora

An ancient Attic Greek small black-figure belly amphora of type B, with reserved figure panels, which are topped by bands of tongues. On one side, a hoplite in a crested Corinthian helmet walking to the right but turning to the left, his back toward the viewer, a cloak over his arms, a shield with a dotted device on his left arm. On the reverse, a bearded man seated on a stool between two nude boys, one holding a round object, possibly an aryballos. Related to the Group of Vatican G.52.

Athens, Attica. Ca. 520 - 500 BC.
Height: 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm).
Formerly in the Raphael Collin collection (1850 -1916); Senator William A. Clark (1839 - 1925) collection; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC, (1926 - 2014; American University Museum (2014 - 2021).
Published: R. Collin, Collection of Antique Grecian, Egyptian and Etruscan Statuettes, Vases, Tanagras, etc. (Paris, 1911), #161, p. 22.; Original Clark Catalog., #161, p. 248, part 2. CGA (1928) p. 120, #2664; CGA (1932), p. 116, #2664.
Inv#: 8350
Guaranteed Authentic


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