Anatolian Marble Head of a Kilia Idol

An ancient Western Anatolian marble head from a Kilia Idol (also known as a star-gazer idol). The head is of conical form with a slender neck and a long nose.

Early Bronze Age.
Ca. 2700 - 2500 BC.
Height: 1 in. (2.5 cm).

The Kilia Idol takes its name from a site near Gallipoli on the European side of the Straits of the Dardanelles, where a number were initially found. The typical Kilia Idol has a large head which seems to gaze upwards. The body is abstract with the arms indicated by notches at the sides. The pubic area is delineated by incised lines in the form of a triangle.

Formerly in a French private collection; subsequently in a New York private collection.
Inv#: 9040
Guaranteed Authentic


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