Roman Bronze Aphrodite

An ancient Roman bronze statuette of Aphrodite (Venus), she stands with her right and outstretched her left hand holding one of her long locks of hair; she wears a crescent diadem, a breast band (strophion) wrapped around her upper torso, and a cloak over her left shoulder and right thigh.

Ca. 2nd - 3rd century AD.
Height: 7 in. (17.5 cm).

Aphrodite (Latin: Venus) was the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. She was also known as Cypris and Cytherea after the two places, Cyprus and Cythera, where she was said to have originated. Hephaestus was her husband, the child Eros her companion, and Ares one of her lovers. The dove, the sparrow, and the swan were the animals sacred to her. In Rome, Julius Caesar and his successors claimed family descent from the Venus and the hero Aeneas. She was venerated as the mother of the Roman people as Venus Genetrix in the Roman Forum. Her image was ultimately derived from the work of the Greek sculptor Callimachus, ca. 420 BC

Formerly in a German private collection.
Inv#: 8153
Guaranteed Authentic


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