Byzantine Bronze Oil Lamp

A large ancient Byzantine bronze oil lamp with an integral foot and elaborate handle in the form of an acanthus leaf, suspended by three bronze chains, and a fourth chain for the lid.

Ca. 5th - 6th century AD.
Length: 7 1/2 in. (19 cm).
cf.: C. Skinkel-Taupin, Lampes en Terre Cuite de la Mediterranee Grecque et Romaine. Bruxelles: Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, (1980), p. 1; D. M. Bailey, A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum. IV. Lamps of Metal and Stone, and Lampstands, (London, 1980), pl. 188, Q 3771.
Formerly in the George R. Francoeur Trust, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Inv#: 7716
Guaranteed Authentic


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