Italo-Corinthian Bronze Helmet

A fragmentary ancient Italo-Corinthian bronze helmet with raised crown, small false eye holes and broad flanged neck guard. This example is of Type C, with fully joined cheek pieces.

Ca. 425 - 300 BC.
Length: 12 in. (30.5 cm).

The earliest examples of this type, derived from the classic Corinthian helmet, appear during the 5th BC. The Italo-Corinthian (Pseudo-Corinthian or Apulo-Corinthian) helmet did not come into wide use until the end of the Peloponnesian War. The type is most frequently found in the princely graves of Apulia and Daunia in Southern Italy from the later 5th to the 4th century BC. Examples have been excavated in Athens (Type B), Slovenia, Etruria, and Syracuse as well.

cf.: Antike Helme, Sammlung Lipperheide und Andere Bestande des Antikenmuseums Berlin, Pflug et al., Mainz, 1988, pp. 107-136, & kat. nos. 38-43, pp. 418-427.
Formerly in the collection of Axel Guttmann, Berlin (1944 - 2001), acquired in the 1990's; subsequently in a Texas private collection.
Inv#: 8143
Guaranteed Authentic


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