Egyptian Faience Amulet of Mayhes

An ancient Egyptian blue faience amulet of the lion-headed god, Mayhes, depicted striding with his left leg forward, wearing the shendyt kilt and tripartite wig, his hands clasped under the chin, a suspension loop behind the head.

Late Period,
Ca. 700 - 30 BC.
Height: 1 3/4 in. (4.5 cm).

Mayhes, meaning, “the savage lion,” was a male lion-headed deity always depicted standing. Considered a son of the cat goddess Bastet, he aided the sun god in his fight against evil.

cf.: C. Andrews, Amulets of Ancient Egypt, (Texas, 1994), p. 25, no. 23b.
Formerly in a New York private collection, acquired in London in 2010.
Inv#: 7829
Guaranteed Authentic


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