Egyptian Faience Amulet of Amun-Re and Horus

An ancient Egyptian blue faience four-sided amulet depicting the god Amun-Re wearing plumes alternating with falcon-headed Horus wearing a solar disk with plumes; suspension loop on top.

Late Dynastic Period.
Ca. 664 - 343 BC.
Height: 1 7/8 in. (4.8 cm).

Amun was the chief god of ancient Karnak in Upper Egypt. Several temples in the city were dedicated to his worship. During the New Kingdom, Amun became the most important deity in the entire Egyptian pantheon. His name means, “The Hidden One.” To mark his new prominence, his identity merged with that of the ancient and prestigious sun god Re of Heliopolis in the north. The composite god Amun-Re then became “King of the Gods,” “Lord of Heaven” and “Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands.”

Formerly in a New York private collection; previously in the Thalassic Collection, Christie's, New York, June 4, 1999, lot 301.
Inv#: 7861
Guaranteed Authentic


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