An ancient Campanian Greek red-figure bail amphora. The obverse with a woman holding a patera, wearing a peplos and a sakkos moving left; a nude male youth on the reverse moving left. The figures are divided by large palmettes, with a bordering wave motif at the base.
The output and quality of the Greek colonial potters working in Southern Italy increased greatly following the Peloponnesian War when Attic exports fell off sharply. South Italian Colonial Greek craftsmanship of the 4th century BC was an amalgamation of the Ionian (Athenian, Attic) conventions, and Doric (western colonial Greek) styles, with a noticeable native Italian aesthetic. The five predominant regional schools of South Italian pottery were: Apulian, Sicilian, Lucanian, Paestan, and Campanian.The Campanian region around the Bay of Naples, produced red-figure vases in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. The fine light brown clay of Campania produced a distinctive look. Campanian potters preferred mostly smaller vessel types, but did produce larger vessels like bell kraters and bail-amphora. Subjects include youths, women, birds and animals, and often native Samnite warriors. At 4,000 known vases, the Campanian style is the second most common in the region after Apulian.