Apulian Red-Figure Skyphos

An ancient Apulian Greek large red-figure skyphos depicting an Eros on one side standing, holding a patera of offerings. On the reverse, a young woman wearing a himation over her chiton, holds a mirror and two paterae, with large palmettes under the handles.

Apulia, Magna Graecia, South Eastern Italy.
Ca. 350 - 300 BC.
Height: 8 1/2 in. (21.5 cm).

The output and quality of the Greek colonial potters working in Southern Italy increased greatly following the Peloponnesian War when Attic exports fell off sharply. South Italian Colonial Greek craftsmanship of the 4th century BC was an amalgamation of the Ionian (Athenian, Attic) conventions, and Doric (western colonial Greek) styles, with a noticeable native Italian aesthetic. The five predominant regional schools of South Italian pottery were: Apulian, Sicilian, Lucanian, Paestan, and Campanian.

Formerly in a New York private collection.
Inv#: 9067
Guaranteed Authentic


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