An ancient Old Akkadian clay cuneiform tablet, a receipt for various amounts of barley: line 1 “15 kur of barley,” line 5, “5 kur of barley,” line 15, “29 kur of barley,” line 16, “48 kur of barley.”
Old Akkadian Period,
Ca. 2334-2150 BC.
Length: 1 7/8 in. (4.7 cm).
cf.: I. Spar, "Cuneiform Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art I," (New York, 1988) MMA 86.11.204 (purchase 1886), #7 pp. 8-9 plates 5,6 - a receipt for a house. Also Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum, VA12736 - an administrative tablet from Shuruppak (modern Fara).